T-Power App (For Home and Fleet)

The Home Edition T-Power App simplifies household charging management, offering comprehensive solutions for efficient home charging. Whether you have one or multiple charging stations, this app streamlines processes with features like bulk management for multiple stations, session initiation, and status monitoring. Designed for seamless home charging, it enhances your experience while ensuring operational efficiency.

Login to Your Account

Allows you to seamlessly oversee and control your fleet's charging stations from the homepage. It serves as your central hub, offering a quick overview of your charging infrastructure and enabling effortless management of multiple stations. With just a few taps, you can monitor station statuses, start or stop charging sessions across multiple stations simultaneously, and fine-tune power settings via Bluetooth connectivity for optimized charging experiences.

Bind Your Charger

The Bluetooth Power Adjustment feature in our T-power App (For Home) provides users with precise control over charging sessions. This functionality allows customization of start and stop times, including dates, and the flexibility to adjust charging power as needed. Users can also set up recurring schedules for charging sessions, ensuring convenience and efficiency. Moreover, users can connect to different certified charging stations within our network, enhancing versatility and accessibility.